Content Plan

I'm waiting for a chance to talk to Oli. He's going to help me thin out the ideas a bit. I've got too many at the moment, and want to talk them through before committing too much time to any of them.

I am looking forward to getting back into video production and have renamed the old YouTube channel ready for a pivot from science education to language learning. But I am very aware of how time-consuming that particular medium can be. The most popular video on the channel now has close to half a million views, but it has relatively high production values, took a long time to make, and involved a small team. I would like to pick up where I left off, but feel it would be more sensible to first develop a higher volume / lower cost workflow, so the first few videos will probably vlog style.

In terms of written word, again I need to choose between quantity and quality. I don't think there's any shortage of traditional resources so it would probably best to think about interesting ways to curate existing content. I would quite like to write some serialised stories and see how those go down.

And then there are the drills / prompts. They seem to be useful and I could easily spend time creating more and making them searchable.